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Think, type, post. That’s the research and vetting process for Senator John Eichelberger’s daily blog entries. For Pennsylvania’s press corp, Senate leaders and lobbyists, the must read “EichelBlog” is the conservative bellweather – no one speaks more clearly and reliably for the center-right position than these unvarnished posts from the 30th District.

Blogging is a pretty natural exercise for someone with rare clarity on his principles and politics. Few gray areas exist in John Eichelberger’s assessment of public policy decisions, especially the big ones. The choice is usually deciding between a simple right or wrong.

Here’s a recent example during the school choice debate:

I was part of a panel discussion on education tonight at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. There was a pretty big crowd. We fielded questions from the audience for most of the program after opening remarks and a greeting from the President of UPJ. The panel was intentionally diverse and there was back and forth between us as we answered questions. The PSEA official who sat on the panel astonished me with his comments about Senate Bill 1. I knew that he would be against competition and accountability, but he said that the bill was racially discriminatory and would cost $500,000 in the third year. Both statements are patently false. I understand differences of opinion, but saying things like that is just plain wrong.


When Churchill Strategies launched the first-term version of his official legislative website in 2006, we challenged him to blog. We don’t think he’s missed more than a day since he took the oath. Now in his second term, we’ve put fresh skin on his Capitol web presence.

See our work on behalf of Senator Eichelberger at