December 19, 2012 | Harrisburg, PA
Dearest Friends & Colleagues:
The quiet peace accompanying these days before Christmas gives our families rare time and space to study the outlines of a path on which our lives have been carefully and meticulously guided. It’s now that we’re able to see deep heartaches and tragedy as the tools God uses to pry open the floodgates of mercy and compassion. It’s a season where we begin to see life as a concert of purpose, with nothing random or ever wasted.
At Churchill Strategies we have the honor or serving women and men who live consequential lives in the service of others. From think tanks supercharging the public debate in the cause of family, faith and free people to churches and adoption agencies defending vulnerable, innocent life, our clients live lives of grand mission. Our team never takes our work and these special relationships for granted.
In the year ahead, we’ll win some and we will most certainly lose. We will claim ground and slide back in a second of unexpected change. The encouragement we find isn’t in the promise of victory, but the rewards of faithful, diligent service.
Bright and merry Christmas greetings to you and your family from each of us!
With gratitude,
Jeff Coleman